Our Core Values


We expect honesty from ourselves and our drivers.  It is a reflection of our respect for our customers.


Our customers know that our deliveries will be on time and we are committed to doing the right thing for them.


We are focused on taking care of the customers, staff and drivers that have been there and made our success possible.

Customer Service Driven

Our clients are our most cherished assets and our focus is centered around them and their needs.

Our Mission

Hightower Trucking is dedicated to making the world of construction debris and sand and gravel as easy and reliable as possible.  We are marrying cutting edge technology with high quality sand and gravel products and on time deliveries.  Our focus is to provide our products and services our customers demand while improving the lives of all of our stakeholders from our full time staff, to our customers, to drivers while making our Las Vegas community a better place to live.